
AngularJS 4: Time to explore the Next Big Thing

AngularJS 4: Time to explore the Next Big Thing


Jul 10, 2017

AngularJS 4 is finally here and this time it is better, simpler, fun, and works on both newer and older versions of browsers. It’s a jump directly from AngularJS 2 to AngularJS 4 as the plan for Angular 3 was dropped to maintain the MonoRepo pattern.

Angular 4 brought a whole lot of new features as it is applicable in different programming languages such as ECMAScript6, TypeScript, or Dart among others.

What’s new in Angular 4?

Angular 4 is flexible and really fast. Besides, this has been highlighted only to be the beginning as more exciting things are on the way. Here are the new features you will find in Angular 4.

The view engine: Key changes have been introduced to what AOT generated types of codes look like. With the changes, a lot of code is customized to make functionality available via typing very less.

The animation package: Animations have been pulled out of the @angular/core and clustered into a separate package. Therefore, a developer who does not use the animations will not get the extra modules on the production bundles.

`else` along with `if`: The new version allows developers to use else to solve the problem brought by conditional rendering in situations when one of the conditions was not met (resulting to omissions on the DOM-tree).

Forms are assigned novalidate automatically: The process of including search parameters to any HTTP request is now highly simplified. Unlike in the past when developers had to regularly mark all forms novalidate, Angular will now set the attribute automatically.

The main features in the new AngularJS 4

Angular universal on @angular/platform-server

The angular universal is now fully adopted by Angular team. It will now allow developers to run angular on their servers with the Universal Code on the @angular/platform-server. This will help to reduce the size of applications while raising efficiency with a huge margin.

The route paramMaps

Beginning with Angular 4, you can now query the ParamMap in the router. This means posting a request for the route as well as query parameters on a specific route. The parameters are also available as maps so that developers can run them as simple calls. You can use methods such as get() to pick specific values or getAll() to pick a specific set of values.

Dynamic components with NgComponentOutlet

Using the new ngComponentOutlet-Directive, a developer can craft dynamic components in a very declarative manner. Previously, it involved a lot of work building and generating components. Now, Angular only needs to get notified about a specific component and it will add it automatically to the lifecycle and implement data binding. There is less programming work that generates amazing results.

TypeScript 2.1/2.2

The Angular applications and ngc-Compiler speed have been boosted. Your apps will, therefore, load faster and is compatible with previous version 2.1 and 2.2.

New Pipe: Title Case

The new title case-Pipe in new Angular 4 will automatically change the first letter of every word to uppercase. All the other letters will remain in lower case.

Benefits of angular 4

  • There is no need to apply observable functions because Angular analyses every page’s DOM.
  • Code writing is less, and the codes are a lot cleaner.
  • It modifies page’s DOM automatically rather than adding inner HTML codes.
  • Because of different ways of doing things, it is easy to accommodate various development styles and tasks.
  • It is supported by IntelliJ idea, NET IDEs, and Visual Studio

Why angular 4?

  • Makes work easier compared to previous versions and other models.
  • Data binding takes place on specific points of JavaScript execution as opposed to every control to improve performance.
  • It has extended features that include animations.
  • Migration is really smooth.
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